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Child Protection & Safe-guarding Policy

01.01.2020-31.12.2020 – review date 01.01.2021


Section 1                                  Introduction

Section 2                                  Child Abuse: Categories & Definitions

Section 3                                  Procedures

Section 4                                  Dealing with Allegations

Section 5                                  Essential Information

Appendix 1                               Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who work with Children and Young People

Appendix 2                               Staff Behaviour Guidance

Section One: Introduction

In this document a child is defined as anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. ‘Children’ therefore means ‘children and young people’ throughout.

  1. This policy has been authorised by the directors, is addressed to all members of staff, interns, apprentices, accredited partners & volunteers and is available to parents on request and is published on the HHMUSIC LLP website. It applies wherever staff, interns, apprentices, accredited partners & volunteers are working with students even where this is away from the School, e.g. at an activity centre, tour, recording studio, concert or on educational trip.
  2. The welfare of our students will always be our central concern informed by the School’s Mission Statement and by legal requirements. Students are actively encouraged to raise personal and general concerns with members of staff. Sufficient account has been taken of the nature, age range and other significant features of the school in the provisions made for safeguarding at HHMUSIC LLP .
  3. Owner Jonathan Eno is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and is available to all members of the community to offer advice on matters relating to safeguarding.
  4. The Directors of HHMUSIC LLP are fully and properly informed of details of alleged abuse against pupils at HHMUSIC LLP . They have full access to all the facts surrounding abuse that may take place and the HHMUSIC LLP  response. The Directors understand that the responsibilities for safeguarding are collective.
  5. For definitions of the various types of child abuse see Section 2.


  1. HHMUSIC LLP  is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, interns, apprentices, accredited partners & volunteers to share that commitment. HHMUSIC LLP  will take measures to:
  1. Every complaint or suspicion of abuse from within or outside HHMUSIC LLP  will be taken seriously and followed up and, as set out in this policy, will be referred to an external authority such as the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), the social services department of the local authority (SSD), the child protection unit of the police (CPU) or the NSPCC. In each case, the matter will be referred to Derby/Derbyshire Child Protection Advisors (01332 717818 / 01629 580000). This includes allegations of historic abuse. In the case of those working in a school, the employer (school) should report to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) all cases where it is alleged that a person who works with children has:
    • behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child
    • possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child or
    • behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with children.
  1. The Directors ensure the provision of awareness raising and training in safeguarding across the whole School.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. The Designated Safeguarding Lead

As advised by the NSPCC Safeguarding in Education Service (2013) the Designated Safeguarding Lead holds responsibilities for referrals, training and raising awareness amongst staff within the School.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead’s role at HHMUSIC LLP  includes:

In the absence of the Designated Safeguarding Lead a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, who must be nominated in advance, must take responsibility for child protection issues within the School.

  1. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Jonathan Eno who may be contacted on Tel: 07792 550 437 or E: The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Stuart McCrone on Tel: 07817 221 860. He will:
  1. If the Designated Safeguarding Lead is unavailable or is him / herself the subject of a complaint, his / her duties will be carried out by the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead who has received appropriate training in safeguarding and inter-agency working.
  2. Directors, staff (employees), interns, apprentices, accredited partners & volunteers
    are all under a general legal duty:
  1. Whistleblowing
    ALL staff are required to report to the Designated Safeguarding Lead any concern or allegations about school practices or the behaviour of colleagues which are likely to put pupils at risk of abuse or other serious harm. Such reports are made to the Designated Safeguarding Lead and the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). There will be no retribution or disciplinary action taken against a member of staff for making such a report provided that it is done in good faith.


  1. The Designated Safeguarding Lead has undertaken child protection training and training in inter-agency working in accordance with locally agreed procedures and in accordance with Keeping Children Safe in Education and will attend refresher training at yearly intervals. Induction training for staff and volunteers includes the HHMUSIC LLP  safeguarding policy. All peripatetic teachers are also trained on an annual basis.
  2. All Directors, staff (employees), interns, apprentices, accredited partners & volunteers undertake training in child protection and safeguarding, as specified by the Local Safeguarding Children Board and this is updated annually.
  3. All Directors, staff (employees), interns, apprentices, accredited partners & volunteers are reminded of the provisions in this Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy on week 1 of each new academic year.
  4. The designated safeguarding lead has to be on every recruitment panel.
  5. If they have not attended the training for staff generally, temporary and voluntary staff who work with children are made aware of HHMUSIC LLP  arrangements for safeguarding and their responsibilities as above.
  6. A record of all safeguarding training undertaken by Directors, staff (employees), interns, apprentices, accredited partners & volunteers will be kept securely at HHMUSIC LLP  registered office.

Section 2: Child Abuse – Categories and Definitions

  1. Abuse: a form of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. They may be abused by an adult or adults or another child or children.

Possible signs of abuse include (but are not limited to):

  1. Physical Abuse: a form of abuse which may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child.

Possible signs of Physical Abuse:

Hitting, squeezing, biting or twisting a child’s arms or legs can cause injuries like bruises, grazes, cuts or broken bones. Sometimes, someone burns a child, perhaps by holding a part of the body against something very hot or by scalding. Poisoning a child, perhaps by giving them alcohol or drugs, is also physical abuse. Older children may seek to conceal such injuries by keeping their arms and legs covered or being reluctant to change for sport. Responsible staff need to be especially concerned about:

  1. Emotional Abuse: the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may include not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond a child’s developmental capability as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child participating in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying (including cyberbullying), causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, although it may occur alone.

Possible signs of Emotional Abuse:

This form of abuse may result in a child becoming withdrawn, nervous, unhappy or lacking in confidence. It may result in a child being unable to make friends, perhaps because they behave aggressively or inappropriately towards other children. Emotional abuse may happen when a carer behaves in a persistently indifferent or hostile way towards a child, perhaps through bullying, rejecting, frightening, criticising or scapegoating the child. It may happen when a carer’s behaviour is inconsistent so that the child never knows what reaction to expect. It may happen when carers are very possessive or over-protective. In severe cases, children may be subjected to cruel treatment and punishment, like being locked in cold, dark surroundings or being made to do endless, inappropriate household tasks. A child living with domestic violence is also suffering emotional harm. Responsible staff should be especially concerned about a child who:

  1. Sexual Abuse

The definition given in Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2016) is as follows:

Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (for example rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children.

The key elements in any definition of sexual abuse are:

Possible signs of sexual abuse:

The abuser may use different ways to persuade the child to cooperate such as bribery, threats or physical force. Sexual abuse can take different forms, from touching to intercourse, and often does not cause any outward signs of physical injury. It can happen to boys as well as girls and to children of any age, from birth to 18 years old. Sexual abuse can have long lasting effects. Some children who have been abused go on to abuse other children. Some find as they grow up that they are unable to have close relationships with other people. Others deliberately injure themselves because they feel so awful about themselves.

Be especially concerned about a child who:

  1. Neglect: the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to: provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment); protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger; ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-givers); or ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.

It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs. Possible signs of neglect:

Responsible staff should be especially concerned about a child who:

  1. Staff and Volunteer Responsibility

Staff and volunteers should understand that they are not making a diagnosis, only receiving concerns. None of the signs listed above may actually prove that a child is being abused and these indications should not be taken as proof. They may be indicators, which when put into context, provide justification for action.

Emotional abuse is more than just the occasional criticism of a child. Abuse is a symptom of continued negative treatment, which ostracises or belittles a child. This is usually the result of extremes of inappropriate care by the parents and so very difficult to confront.

ALL abuse is emotional abuse irrespective of whether or not it is accompanied by physical injury, sexual abuse or neglect.

Section 3: Procedures

At HHMUSIC LLP  when receiving a complaint, listening to the child/children making the complaint is the most important priority for staff.

  1. Initial complaint
    A member of staff suspecting or hearing a disclosure of abuse:
  1. Preserving Evidence

All evidence (for example scribbled notes, mobile phones containing text messages, clothing and computers) must be safeguarded and preserved.

  1. Record
  1. Make brief notes as soon as possible after the meeting. This may be possible in the meeting itself.
  2. Write up your notes in full and include time, date, place and signature.
  3. Describe observable behaviour e.g. was shaking, continued to cry, constantly moved around the room (Do not interpret these features).
  4. Record the actual words spoken by the child wherever possible.
  1. Reporting

All suspicion or complaints of abuse must be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, or if the complaint involves the Designated Safeguarding Lead, to the police.

  1. Action by the Designated Safeguarding Lead

The action to be taken will:

  1. Referral guidelines

Our policy is to refer all matters of concern to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)/Social Services Department (SSD). Anyone can make a referral to these agencies. Or upon consideration for extreme risk, directly to the Police (for the safety of the child and possible recovery of vital evidence).

Low Level Monitoring

  1. Low Level Child Protection Monitoring in School

Any indication of a potential child protection issue must be discussed with the Designated Safeguarding Lead. If the Designated Safeguarding Lead has concerns he or she will contact either the duty social worker or the duty education welfare/social worker/LADO to seek clarification on what action should be taken.

Section 4: Dealing with Allegations

Allegations against directors, staff (employees), interns, apprentices, accredited partners & volunteers

  1. Allegations Against Staff Members

Allegations against students

  1. Allegations against students

A student against whom an allegation of abuse has been made may be suspended from HHMUSIC LLP  and the company’s policy on behaviour, discipline and sanctions will apply. HHMUSIC LLP  will take advice from the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on such allegations and will take all appropriate action to ensure the safety and welfare of all pupils involved, including the pupil or pupils accused of abuse. If it is necessary for a pupil to be interviewed by the police in relation to allegations of abuse, HHMUSIC LLP  will ensure that, subject to the advice of the LADO, parents are informed as soon as possible and that the pupil is supported during the interview by an appropriate adult. In the case of pupils whose parents are abroad, the pupil’s Education Guardian will be requested to provide support to the pupil and to accommodate him/her if it is necessary to suspend him/her. The LADO’s role is the

investigation and management of allegations against those working within HHMUSIC LLP . The school’s role is to receive the complaint and refer it on.

Harm from outside the HHMUSIC LLP 

  1. Suspected harm from outside the HHMUSIC LLP 

A member of staff who suspects that a pupil is suffering harm from outside the HHMUSIC LLP  should seek information from the child with tact and sympathy using “open” and not leading questions. A sufficient record should be made of the conversation and he or she should refer the matter to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Section 5: Essential Information


  1. Monitoring
  1. Former Students

The directors will ensure that the desire to exonerate HHMUSIC LLP  will not be allowed to take precedence over concerns for the current physical and emotional health of former students. 

Essential Information

  1. Essential Information

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Jonathan Eno

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Stuart McCrone

  1. Agencies

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO):

Derby: Tel: (01332) 642376 Derbyshire: Tel: (01629) 535353 / (01629) 533190

Derby Safeguarding Children Board

The Gatehouse
184 Kedleston Road Derby
DE22 1GT
Tel: (01332) 642351

Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board

Derbyshire County Council North Block
County Hall

Tel: (01629) 535716

Derby City Council First Contact Team: (01332) 641172 Derbyshire Police: 101
Human Trafficking: 0800 0121 700
Anti-terrorism:0800 789 321


National Helpline 0808 800 5000

Childline:Tel: 0800 1111

Disclosure and Barring Service:

Address for referrals: PO Box 181, Darlington DL1 9FA Telephone for referrals: 01325 953 795


Authorised by:

Date: Signature:

Effective date of the policy:

Review date of policy:

Appendix 1

Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who work with Children and Young People

The vast majority of adults who work with children act professionally and aim to provide a safe and supportive environment which secures the well-being and very best outcomes for children and young people in their care. However, it is recognised that in this area of work tensions and misunderstandings can occur. It is here that the behaviour of adults can give rise to allegations of abuse being made against them. Allegations may be malicious or misplaced. They may arise from differing perceptions of the same event, but when they occur, they are inevitably distressing and difficult for all concerned. Equally, it must be recognised that some allegations will be genuine and there are adults who will deliberately seek out, create or exploit opportunities to abuse children. It is therefore essential that all possible steps are taken to safeguard children and young people and ensure that the adults working with them are safe to do so.

Guidance is provided for staff, to ensure that their behaviour and actions do not place pupils or themselves at risk of harm or of allegations of harm to a pupil (for example, in one-to-one tuition, sports coaching, conveying a pupil by car, engaging in inappropriate electronic communication with a pupil, etcetera).


All staff must be aware that their day-to-day working practices should adhere to the following fundamental principles:

The times when staff are most at risk of an allegation being made against them are:

  1. Working alone with pupils
    2. In physical contact with pupils 

Working alone with pupils, wherever possible:

Communication with Individual Pupils

Physical Contact

It is not illegal to touch a pupil. There are occasions when physical contact, other than reasonable force, with a pupil is proper and necessary. It may be, for example, be proper or necessary to touch a child in the following circumstances:

Abuse of trust

All education staff need to know that inappropriate behaviour with or towards children is unacceptable. In particular, under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 it is an offence for a person over 18 years (e.g. teacher, youth worker) to have a sexual relationship with a child under 18 years where that person is in a position of trust in respect of that child, even if the relationship is consensual. This applies where the child is in full-time education and the person works in the same establishment as the child, even if he/she does not teach the child.

Summary of Child Protection Information for Visitors and Volunteers

HHMUSIC LLP  is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care.

We will support children by:

We recognise that some children may be the victims of neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Staff working with children are well placed to identify such abuse.

At HHMUSIC LLP , in order to protect our children, we aim to:
• Create an atmosphere where all our children can feel secure, valued and listened to • Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse
• Respond quickly, appropriately and effectively to cases of suspected abuse

If you have a concern that a child is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact the following staff member as quickly as possible:

If anything worries you or concerns you, report it straight away!


Appendix 2
Staff Behaviour Guidance

This guidance is designed to give clear advice on the standards of behaviour all HHMUSIC LLP  staff are expected to observe. HHMUSIC LLP staff are role models and are in a unique position of influence and must adhere to behaviour that sets a good example to all the students within the HHMUSIC LLP  session. As a member of a HHMUSIC LLP  community, each employee has an individual responsibility to maintain their reputation and the reputation of HHMUSIC LLP , whether inside or outside working hours.

This guidance applies to:
• all staff who are employed by the school, including each director;

Setting an example

All staff who work in education set examples of behaviour and conduct which can be copied by pupils. Staff must therefore avoid using inappropriate or offensive language at all times.

All staff must, therefore, demonstrate high standards of conduct in order to encourage our pupils to do the same.

All staff must also avoid putting themselves at risk of allegations of abusive or unprofessional conduct.

Safeguarding pupils

Staff have a duty to safeguard pupils from:

Pupil development

Staff must comply with HHMUSIC LLP  policies and procedures that support the well-being and development of pupils.

Staff must co-operate and collaborate with colleagues and with external agencies where necessary to support the development of pupils.

Staff must follow reasonable instructions that support the development of pupils.

Honesty and integrity

Staff must maintain high standards of honesty and integrity in their work. This includes the handling and claiming of money and the use of HHMUSIC LLP  property and facilities.

All staff must comply with the Bribery Act 2010. A person may be guilty of an offence of bribery under this act if they offer, promise or give financial advantage or other advantage to someone; or if they request, agree or accept, or receive a bribe from another person. If you believe that a person has failed to comply with the Bribery Act, you should speak to a director immediately.

Gifts from suppliers or associates of the school must be declared to the directors, with the exception of “one off” token gifts from pupils or parents. Personal gifts from individual members of staff to pupils are inappropriate and could be misinterpreted.

Conduct outside work

Staff must not engage in conduct outside work which could damage the reputation and standing of HHMUSIC LLP or the employee’s own reputation or the reputation of other members of the educational community.

In particular, criminal offences that involve violence or possession or use of illegal drugs or sexual misconduct are very likely to be regarded as unacceptable.

Staff must exercise caution when using information technology and be aware of the risks to themselves and others. (Please refer to the Media Policy).

Staff must not engage in inappropriate use of social network sites which may bring themselves and/or HHMUSIC LLP into disrepute.


Where staff have access to confidential information about pupils or their parents or carers, staff must not reveal such information except to those colleagues who have a professional role in relation to the pupil.

Please refer to the Data Retention Policy for more information.

HHMUSIC LLP – Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

There are four parts to our CSR, these pertain to our commitment towards:


We believe that every child in the U.K. should have the opportunity to access Hot House Music provision. We commit to offering schools FREE instrumental showcase assemblies with the option for all these students to access a FREE trial music lesson. We are committed to expanding our offering to more regions and wherever possible to providing wider access to Hot House schools


We strive to create a kind and inspirational learning environment for those children who choose to continue to their journey with Hot House. We commit to creating an equitable environment for both students and staff, free from fear of judgement and based around the concept of requiring joy to learn. As a member of our Hot House Music family we commit to your lifelong well-being and will aspire to support you throughout your time at Hot House and your future through our alumni programme. We encourage all of our students and staff to treat the wider community as mirrors reflecting back their joy, passion and inspiration.


Whilst students and staff are being nurtured by the Hot House Music family, we commit to introducing them to skills that help them real world work environments. We are committed to helping our community develop these transferable skills, and to realise their potential. We strive to create people who can work both independently and as part of a creative and innovative team. Our mission is to open their eyes to the diverse array of pathways open to them. We commit to making the world a smaller and more tolerant place by introducing our students and staff to a variety of cultures, environments and art through the diverse music that we play and our touring programme. Music is the universal language that glues and brings societies together.


All student and staff are encouraged to be aware of their own personal environment and the wider global environment within which they should be viewed as an equal stakeholder. Upon graduating from Hot House Music, students should feel empowered to challenge injustice and prejudice that they experience in their own personal and work lives. The empathy and kindness that is nurtured and developed whilst with Hot House Music will serve to be guiding factors in their ability to critically evaluate their own decision-making process and legacy. We will lead by example and for all music tours that include flights, we will ensure that we access an appropriate scheme to “off-set” this particular (travel-associated) carbon footprint. As an alumnus, they are charged with maintenance and ownership of their diverse environments including physical and mental, always knowing that they have the support of their Hot House Music family. We commit to, where appropriately qualified we strive to offer work experience, apprentice schema, and full-time employment including Directorships to suitably qualified alumni.

HHMUSIC LLP – Noise Protection Policy

HHMUSIC LLP acknowledges that many of its staff, regional school Directors and students spend time in potentially noisy environments both in small groups as well as larger ensembles/choirs. The level and potential damage caused by noise varies greatly depending on the instrument, length of exposure and venue acoustics, with drums and electric guitars causing the greatest potential problems. All staff and students are required to monitor noise levels and raise concerns with the Health and Safety lead, Jonathan Eno.

Noise Levels Control of Noise Responsibilities

Monitoring and Review

HHMUSIC LLP has a legal duty under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 to monitor noise levels and to keep noise within the legal limits.

HHMUSIC LLP will from time to time assess noise levels under arrangements made by the HSM.

The first aim will be to reduce noise at source. Practically this will mean using “quieter” options such as Zildjian Silent Cymbals and “turning down” electrified instruments

HHMUSIC LLP requires all students to attend rehearsal with their own, adequate, pair of ear defenders. Regional School Directors also ensure that ear protection is freely available where required.

HHMUSIC LLP policy is that new tools and equipment purchased and used by staff must have noise reduction features built into the design.

Noise Levels
As a general rule noise will be considered as needing further assessment at HHMUSIC LLP if:

Control of Noise

Where noise is perceived to be a risk to staff inHHMUSIC LLP the HSM (or Regional School Director) will:

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors have overall responsibility for ensuring that the policy is implemented effectively.

Health and Safety Manager (HSM) The HSM is responsible for:

Some staff will be given particular consideration when making a noise risk assessment, for example people with a pre-existing hearing condition, those with a family history of deafness (if known), pregnant women, children and young people.

Further Guidance

Additionally, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published guidance: Noise at Work: A Brief Guide to Controlling the Risks. In the guidance, the HSE advises employers that they have a problem if noise at work is intrusive, such as a busy street or crowded restaurant, for most of the working day and employees have to raise their voice to have a normal conversation.

Guidance on the regulations can be found in the HSE’s Controlling Noise at Work: The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.

Monitoring and Review
The HSM will monitor the implementation of the policy and will report to the Board of Directors who will review this policy annually and assess its implementation and effectiveness. The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout HHMUSIC LLP

External Resources:

Musicians Union

Musicians Hearing Health Scheme

Sound Advice-Contains practical guidelines on the control of noise at work in music and entertainment.


HHMusic LLP Risk Assessment 1-2-1 Teaching                                                                                          


What are the hazards? Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk? Action by whom? Action by when? Done
Working with others


Myself, students, staff; Consider the teaching room and any potential areas of risk including entering and exiting the room and venue.

·       Equipment and furniture – properly stored, avoiding tripping hazards or cross contamination.  Care taken loading and unloading equipment in transportation, using proper lifting technique;

·       Ventilation – open windows/ open plan room;

·       Spacing – social distancing guidelines;

·       Cleanliness – wiping surfaces, incl. seats and music stands, no sharing of instruments, avoid touching surfaces;

·       Child Protection – DBS checked and following HHMUSIC and venue guidance, incl. behavioral management and regular safeguarding training and certification;

·       Noise – wear ear-protection;

·       Optional use of face-mask;

·       Ensure rooms have adequate visibility (windows) in line with HHMUSIC LLP safe-guarding policy;

To carry out my work considering the potential hazards & risks and where possible eliminate them or minimize the risk.


Follow school guidelines concerning Covid bio-security

HHMUSIC Teacher and school music lead, alongside school risk assessment and School Covid bio-security lead 1 week prior to commencement of lessons  

limiting personal exposure

Myself, students, staff; ·       2-metre social distancing between staff and students.  Or (where 2m not possible) protective screen between teacher and students, provided by school;

·       Cleanliness (as above) and wiping additional surfaces, such as pianos and drums sticks, between lessons.  Consider wearing gloves or masks, where appropriate;

·       Ventilation (as above);

·       Ensure children from different bubbles maintain social distancing when students for lessons are changing over;

·       Report students showing signs of Covid to school line manager;

Check situation at the school. HHMUSIC Teacher and school music lead, alongside school risk assessment and School Covid bio-security lead 1 week prior to commencement of lessons
Checking if I show symptoms Myself Following the Government & NHS advice; Prepare for quarantine and continuation of lessons on digital platform Myself ongoing
Protection when travelling Myself  Following the Government & NHS advice; Hand Gel application Myself ongoing
Maintaining cleanliness of teaching space Myself Carrying sanitiser & suitable wipes for instruments, equipment, surfaces etc; any other necessary protective equipment; Myself ongoing
Cleaning instrument/s Myself Carrying instrument boxed, cased or otherwise covered in transit; wiping down before and after performance, emptying any liquids into a capped container Myself ongoing
Maintaining distancing Myself, students, staff  & parents Ensuring maintenance of social distancing in teaching area and whilst moving around school; minimise joint handling of sheet music and possibly explore using phones/tablets etc. Restrict the contact with parents to digital platforms Check venue has appropriate signage and where possible separate entry and exit routes, cleanliness regime in place including for toilets and rest facilities HHMUSIC Teacher and school music lead, alongside school risk assessment and School Covid bio-security lead 1 week prior to commencement of lessons



It is important schools discuss their risk assessment and proposed actions with you prior to teaching;

You should review your risk assessment if you think it might no longer be valid, e.g. if there are any significant changes in your work;



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